Kindle Ausgaben

Psychology (English Edition) 1. Auflage, Kindle Ausgabe

Psychology (English Edition) 1. Auflage, Kindle Ausgabe

59,59eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben
Schlagwort: Psychology

Psychology is designed to meet scope and sequence requirements for the single-semester introduction to psychology course. The book offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. The text also includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.

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A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben

This free 5-hour course, A brief history of communication: hieroglyphics to emojis, is an introduction to the history of writing, and the key role it plays in human communication. It tracks this history from the invention of writing around 5500 years ago to the mass popularity of emojis today.

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You Were Not Born to Suffer Sampler

You Were Not Born to Suffer Sampler

eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben

How to Overcome Fear, Insecurity and Depression and Love Yourself Back to Freedome, Happiness and Peace (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

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Principles of Macroeconomics 2e

Principles of Macroeconomics 2e

34,12eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben

Principles of Macroeconomics 2e covers the scope and sequence of most introductory economics courses. The text includes many current examples, which are handled in a politically equitable way. The outcome is a balanced approach to the theory and application of economics concepts. The second edition has been thoroughly revised to increase clarity, update data and current event impacts, and incorporate the feedback from many reviewers and adopters.

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Hemmung Symptom und Angst

Hemmung Symptom und Angst

4,95eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben

Die Angst ist ein Grundphänomen der conditio humana; 'jeder von uns hat diese Empfindung, oder richtiger gesagt, diesen Affektzustand irgend einmal kennengelernt', bemerkte Freud in seinen >Vorlesungen zur Einführung in die Psychoanalyse<. Bei seelisch Kranken kann eine scheinbar grundlose Angst sich zu Panik steigern und sie zu schweren Einschränkungen ihres Alltagslebens zwingen. Freud begegnete Angstbeschwerden in seiner nervenärztlichen Praxis von Anfang an, und so handeln schon seine frühesten psychopathologischen Schriften zentral von diesem Thema.

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Barcamps & Co.: Peer to Peer-Methoden für Fortbildungen

Barcamps & Co.: Peer to Peer-Methoden für Fortbildungen

24,95eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Gratis Bücher

Die traditionellen Formate von Weiterbildung sind zu langsam und zu unflexibel, um angemessen auf die rasanten und unvorhersehbaren Veränderungen der heutigen Arbeits- und Bildungswelt zu reagieren. Die heutige Praxis braucht passende Formate, in denen Praktiker*innen miteinander und voneinander lernen und Expert*innen der Praxis ihre Erfahrungen untereinander teilen. Dieses Buch gibt konkrete Anleitungen und Tipps für Selbstlernende und diejenigen, die sie dabei unterstützen. Ausgangspunkt is

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Don’t Wait For Opportunity Create it

Don’t Wait For Opportunity Create it

7,99eBook: 2,99
Bücherserien: Kindle Ausgaben

Don't wait for opportunity create it!Are you tired of losing in life? Are you tired of coming second best? Are you tired of not getting that promotion? Chances are of you are if you are reading this, you may have not been given your fair share of opportunities in life. Chances are you are tired of coming second best and want to do something about it. This book is not about positioning yourself for opportunities that others have denied you. This book is for those who are tired of waiting for people to offer them opportunities. This book is for those that are ready to make their own success and make their own opportunities.Key benefits of this bookLearn the secrets of creating your successDiscover how to be unstoppableDiscover how to overcome setback and past failureDiscover the few simple keys to success in lifeEffective original content based on years of life coachingLearn the mindset of champion athletesthis book will help you discover your hidden potentialCovered in this bookWhy you should creating your own opportunitiesHow to use innovation to kill off your competitionHow to change your lifeHow to reboot your successWhy relationships are important, and how to have rewarding relationshipsBecoming a leaderBecoming an outlierHow to take risks and uncover opportunitiesTaking advantage of timingGetting rid of the clutterDon't wait seize the opportunity to buy this book today: )

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Algorithmuskulturen: Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit (Kulturen der Gesellschaft 26)

Algorithmuskulturen: Über die rechnerische Konstruktion der Wirklichkeit (Kulturen der Gesellschaft 26)

Hochfrequenzhandel, Google-Ranking, Filterbubble - nur drei aktuelle Beispiele der Wirkmacht von Algorithmen. Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit dem historischen Auftauchen und der mittlerweile allgegenwärtigen Verbreitung von Algorithmen in verschiedenen Bereichen des sozialen Lebens beschäftigen. Sie nehmen die Wechselbeziehungen algorithmischer und nicht-algorithmischer Akteure und deren Bedeutungen für unseren Alltag und unsere Sozialbeziehungen in den Blick und gehen den Mechanismen nach, mit denen Algorithmen - selbst Produkte eines spezifischen Weltzugangs - die Wirklichkeit rahmen, während sie zugleich die Art und Weise organisieren, wie Menschen über Gesellschaft denken.
Die Beiträge beinhalten Fallstudien zu Sozialen Medien, Werbung und Bewertung, aber auch zu mobilen Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen wie z.B. Drohnen.

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Development in Turbulent Times: The Many Faces of Inequality Within Europe (English Edition)

Development in Turbulent Times: The Many Faces of Inequality Within Europe (English Edition)

35,62eBook: 0,00

This open access book explores the most recent trends in the EU in terms of development, progress, and performance. Ten years after the 2008 economic crisis, and amidst a digital revolution that is intensifying the development race, the European Union, and especially Central and Eastern Europe, are ardently searching for their development priorities.

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Introduction to Online Payments Risk Management

Introduction to Online Payments Risk Management

12,68eBook: 0,00
Bücherserien: Gratis Bücher

If you've been tasked with building a team to handle risk management for online payments (RMP), this practical introduction provides a framework for choosing the technologies and personnel you need. Author and financial services executive Ohad Samet explains the components of payments risk management, and presents a coherent strategy and operational approach.

You'll learn the answers to questions you're likely to encounter in the first 18 months of operation, with information that Samet has shaped and tested over several years in the industry. This book is ideal whether you intend to be a one-person task force or work with dozens of agents and analysts.

Use both a portfolio and behavioral approach to analyzing and optimizing losses
Learn about your customers to determine if they can and will meet obligations
Build an RMP team for payment risk operations, analytics, and decision automation
Use linking mechanisms and velocity models to detect unusual activity among your customers
Design system and data architecture to facilitate your activity analysis
Implement the decision and loss-reduction mechanisms you need to act on your findings

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Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS (Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment) (English Edition)

Advancing Human Assessment: The Methodological, Psychological and Policy Contributions of ETS (Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment) (English Edition)

53,49eBook: 0,00

This book is open access under a CC BY-NC 2.5 license.​​

This book describes the extensive contributions made toward the advancement of human assessment by scientists from one of the world’s leading research institutions, Educational Testing Service.

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New Vision 2050: A Platinum Society (Science for Sustainable Societies) (English Edition) 1st ed.

New Vision 2050: A Platinum Society (Science for Sustainable Societies) (English Edition) 1st ed.

50,63eBook: 0,00
Autoren: ,
Bücherserien: Gratis Bücher

his book presents the "New Vision 2050," which adds the concept of the “platinum society” to the “Vision 2050”.

The 20th century was a century in which energy led the development of material civilization, resulting in deletion of resources, global warming and climate change. What form should sustainable material and energy take to protect the Earth? The "Vision 2050" was established 20 years ago as a model that we

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Richard Gericke IT-Dienstleistungen, Inhaber: Richard Gericke (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.
Richard Gericke IT-Dienstleistungen, Inhaber: Richard Gericke (Firmensitz: Deutschland), verarbeitet zum Betrieb dieser Website personenbezogene Daten nur im technisch unbedingt notwendigen Umfang. Alle Details dazu in der Datenschutzerklärung.